
"You already know what the present is. You already know where to find it. And you already know how it can make you happy and successful. You knew it best when you were younger. You have simply forgotten."是什麼東西我們一開始就知道它如此珍貴而能夠讓人快樂又成功呢?我們在不斷成長的過程中到底又遺忘了什麼?為什麼我們在年紀越大的同時也越來越不快樂且越來越常感到挫折難過呢?書中的年輕人跟我們一樣的困惑。

"The present is not the past and it is not the future. The present is the present moment. The present is now." 原因只是年輕人在遭逢挫折困境而戀愛失敗的同時,聽從建議到鄉間別墅去休息,突然間領悟到這個簡單的道理。是不是在我們如此疲憊而挫敗的同時,也應該淨空心靈沉澱思緒以尋求這珍貴的禮物呢?但是該如何運用這個珍貴的禮物--當下呢?

"Even in the most difficult situation, when you focus on what is right in the present moment, it make you happier, and gives you the needed energy and confidence to deal with what is wrong" 我們活在當下的時候是不是多半注意的是苦痛挫折和困難錯誤,忘了應該注意的是現在正確的,而讓自己過度沉溺在當下的悲慟之中呢?"Being in the present means tuning out distractions and paying attention to what is important, now. You create your own present by what you give your attention to." 這個當下取決於你花注意力在什麼事物上,什麼東西對你來說是重要的呢?
過去難道一點都不重要嗎?難道我們永遠只需要注意現在嗎?答案是否定的。" It is hard to let go of the past if you have not learned from the past. As soon as you learn and let go you improve the present" 我們常常沉溺在過去的失敗痛苦中,就像年輕人難過過去不被提拔而感情又受挫的事情,那是因為我們尚未從過去的錯誤中學習。那麼現在捫心自問,我們從過去當中學習到了什麼?什麼時候該讓我們回想過去以尋求學習解決之道避免二次錯誤?"Anytime you are unhappy in the present or feeling unsuccessful, it is time to lear from the past or plan for the future" "Look at what happened in the past. Learn something valuable from it. Use what you learn to improve the present" "You cannot change the past, But you can learn from it. When the same situation arises, you can do things differently and enjoy a more successful present." 不就是顏回的不貳過?這樣才能創造越來越成功美好的當下。

過度思考未來成了做白日夢,或是總讓我們對未來充滿焦躁不安,但是對於未來難道我們就予以忽略或束手無策嗎?難道我們不能讓未來更好嗎?"No one can predict or control the future. However, the more you plan for what you want to see happen, the less anxious you are in the present, and the more the future is known to you." 未來是無可預測的,但是我們若對未來有所規劃則可以減少我們對未來不確定性的焦躁,我們對未來該如何規畫呢?"Picture what a wonderful future would be like. Create a realisitic plan to help it happen. Put your plan into action in the present."如此就能讓未來盡量如你規劃所行。

那麼到底是為什麼我們必須如此做呢?我們真的能夠因此變得更快樂成功嗎?我們每個人又會採取怎樣不同的方式面對呢?"How you respond depends upon your purpose. When you want to be happy and more successful it is time to be in the present moment. When you want the present to be better than the past it is time to learn from the past. When you want the future to be better than the present it is time to plan for the future." "When you live and work with purpose, and respond to what is important now, you are more able to lead, manage, support, befriend, and love."




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